Wednesday, April 2, 2008

First Day!

I didn't get up as early as I liked, but I was able to play for a little bit this morning. I rocked it twice on "I Love Rock and Roll" and once on "Sharp-Dressed Man". What is that? A little under 15 minutes? I think it's a good start. I was out of breath a couple times. I looked pretty cool in my head, but I doubt that if anyone saw it, they'd use that same word. Maybe "awkward." Or "idiotic." But since I was the only one there, we'll pretend it was just "cool."

Of course, I played horribly - I missed a ton of notes and my guitar is so sensitive that every time I moved, it thought I was trying to launch star power. If I would have played any harder than medium I don't know if I would have made it through the songs.

I just need to get up a little earlier tomorrow - and maybe get to bed a little earlier tonight.

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