Saturday, May 24, 2008

Get Into the Groove

It's good to get back into the groove. Jumped into my set today like I never left.

Sometimes it seems like it takes forever to get past a certain point in the game - then it's easy for a while. As I mentioned earlier, I made it through the first level on expert (Guitar Hero II). It's taken me a while to do that - it seems like it took forever to get through "Mother" and "Woman". But then I tackled level 2 today, and made it through all 5 songs on the first try. Just barely, but I still made it through. I haven't gone to the 3rd level, yet, but was surprised that I was able to get through the entire second level so quickly. The same thing happened on hard - it took me a while to get through level 1, but when I was finally able to do it, it's like a switch was turned on and I was suddenly able to play at that level.

Maybe more practice on expert will help me finish the last two levels on hard.

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